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I know this site is known for being anonymous but I would love to put a face to the name of who I'm chatting to. We've seen most of our pets so why not see each other. It doesn't matter what you look...
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I know this should probably be in the 'Quizzes' section, but I was in 'Music' and couldn't be bothered to swap. Who was 'Badder than old King Kong, meaner than a junk yard dog'. ? 5 points for the...
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Hi I have a 12 year old dog named lady she is a retriever cross spanial All of a sudden se shivers alot and when a put her blanket on today i noticed a huge  lump under her nipple What could it...
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Does anyone know where I can buy Lakeland Garden Clogs. I have a pair which I have had for about 3 years and they have been superb. I want to get some for my husband.
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cat woman
On radio 2 today i think it was the Steve Wright show, they were taking about what posters they had on their bedroom wall when they were in their teens.  It got us girls going and we were saying...
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I'm going to be in the audience for a new ITV show this Saturday called 'The Big Call' I'll wave at you all if I'm on camera!  Hopefully I'll get picked out of the audience to win all...
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I reckon Tayto Cheese n Onion could beat any other flavour in a fight! They rule!!! What's your favourite?
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Any girls recommend a good place to buy: shoes for work in an office, must be cool (as in not hot) for summer, must be flat no heels and must be black. Don't want an open toe either. Been looking...
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My 20 month old baby girl screams bloody murder in the car while we are driving, generally screaming in a fit when ever something doesn't suit her. What am I suppose to do? I put her in the bedroom at...
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Someone has been cruel and has cut off my cat's whiskers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope this isn't a stupid question, but will they grow back? He is so confused and I am incredibly angry.
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my fears are sharks from watching jaws as a child and birds/feathers which i have no idea where or when this fear came about. Got me thinking what do other ABers fear and how did they come about. My...
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Little Lady
As some of you may know i split up with my boyfriend two and a half weeks ago, I have days where i feel down and others when i feel ok, yesterday i had a great day and felt good and happy for the...
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I was wondering which of you other ABers play a musical instrument. I play the guitar and a little bit of piano (grade 2). I have a Telecaster and a Lowden acoustic. Sign up here to join the...
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Just interested to know if any ABers collect anything and if so, what it is they collect? I collect Warner Bros (Looney Tunes) ornaments/teapots/cookie jars, also Aynsley Little Sweetheart china and...
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Here comes that time again when I think what the hell do I get him I would like to get something nice, we normally spend between ?15-?20 not because we are tight just that he moans if we spend too...
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HAPPY: 18TH BIRTHDAY For The 15th Magicdice( :)now its legal  lol Have a Drink on me CHEERS( :)
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Is anyone on here from Bath?
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When I see a RAINBOW. It always makes me smile.
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Jack and Vera from Corrie or Jim and Dot from EE
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I've been rumaging through old boxes of stuff at my nan's house and have come across a VERY old pair if running shoes ans some old fashioned boys football boots. How would I go about finding out when...

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