Does anyone know the background music that was playing while Lloyd and Cheryl were talking?
I was loving it, and I was hoping they'd shut up so I could listen more closely !...
I watched a TV programme tonight where a former Dr of Michael Jackson/s said MJ always insisted on having a anastioligst (sp) around him when taking propahoal (sp). this is going back to 08-09. Now,...
Does anyone know why Z Lister non celebrity Sinitta is in the Jungle? She hates creepy crawlies and made herself look silly in that cave ... I can't wait to see her do (or not do) this task after the...
Can I suggest that an index of posters be added/maintained so that we don't have to engage in the heinous crime of so much as asking where someone is and if they've been banned/suspended when we...
I thought if your BANNED from AB then all your posts get removed?
A poster I like seems to be banned, yet all their posts are still there.
Why's that?...
Please tell me a human is not posting links on FB to here. You've linked Harry's thread which is in Scottish. And you've linked the crazy thread 'mixed society' where someone appears to be ranting...