hurt alot, more than i imagined they could considering their size, my question is, what colour nail enamel goes with dark purple and black skin? I cannot use my usual shade of deep purple velvet cos u...
skies, flowers and skulls collided in this sleepy Trans-Pecos town to make salt found in a electrifying tourist attraction in the west . Any one have a clue? Please?
As it it almost family related, could it be the new Genealogy sub-section, or at least the Christmas section....................?????? P.S. never been in here, avoided BB like the plague.
watching House of Horrors, this Vincent family from South london! My ex hubby has Vincent ancestry from that area going back to 1710 lol oops. They always were a big family, should i persue this...
it is really really hurting me and the hospital say can't do anything but rest and take painkillers, in the short term would a voddy and coke dull the agony?
what is going on here, trying to answer a question and got a neon sign flashing at me ED!!!!!!!!!!! I can't concentrate, it is very off putting, tone it down maybe?
Has anybody else found it infuriating that the Wills are at the front of the calendars and the admons are at the back in the early volumes and then mixed in alphabetically in the ones from about the...
i post it here cos i can,. what would you post? (Sitting On) The Dock Of The Bay by Otis Redding Sittin' in the morning sun I'll be sittin' when the evening comes Watching the ships roll in Then I...
dotty goes into serious mode can we have the Genealogy sub-category now please Mrs ed? i find that i don't spend enough time on AB and if u had a Family History category i may be on here more often :...
i got to my car after work and there was a ?30 fixed penalty for parking, 'in what the officer considers a restricted street'. I have parked in that spot 5 days a week since march this year, and...
My wire from the satelite dish to my sky box has snapped!!!!! (I think it got pulled at some point) and I can't watch tele!!!!!! How do i watch non sky TV on my tele as i can't get...