hi , can anyone tell me what neville actually said/wrote allegedly re giggs trial which has been referred to attorney general ?
lots of news items but no actual statement
thanks ....
Visit our website to choose from a fancy and traditional collection of Rings, Earrings, Pendants, Bangles, Bracelets, Necklaces. , Bracelets, bajubandh, hair Jewelry of India and more for you. Explore...
Is it really 25 years - how fast times passes.
And still conspiracy theories abound....
"We upset Royal dynamic just by existing" - perlease, you're not a snot stain on the royal hanky, do you really think you have any effect?...
The massive rocket will take off at 1pm GMT today from Cape Canaveral. I'm reminded of the time in November 2008 when we went to the Tikki Bar on Coco Beach and watched the last night time launch of a...
I suspect there is a majority ant-Tory view among ABers and that's fine. But, as life-long Tory, I just despair that Sunak and Truss are so uninspiring and, frankly, mediocre....
Yesterday i had my car clamped outside of my home with a notification that it was untaxed, on going through my bank statements i have been paying a DD every month of £11.73, last monthly payment was...
Got the brown envelope today, at the age of 62. Have to make myself available for ten days in October. Initial reaction, bore. But then thought it might be interesting.
This product is being advertised on a German internet sites with lots of glowing tributes; https://getvoltplug.com/article/de?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuJTr_d7m-QIVJUblCh1xbA8kEAEYASAAEgKOTPD_BwE A translated...