Anyone else on this site fed up to the back teeth with muzzies? Christ, you dare'nt even mention the word islam, and out come the flag burners and suicide bombers.
Who would like to see something hilariously funny? Unfortunately it's a .pdf file but I'm happy to e-mail it to you if you give me your e-mail address. I'm in tears of laughter here!! :'oD
Can one of you knowlegible people out there please help me with the following I can grasp the fact that stars are such vast distances from the earth that it takes time for the light to reach us on the...
My Dad is a smoker so I go upstairs when he light up for a cigarette. I then come down about 30 minutes later and sit in the room that he has had the cigarette in will I still be a passive smoker and...
with all thats going on in britain do you still love britain would you if you had to fight for our democracy and ways. politicians come and go, would you defend britain.
I am a young mum (21)of one and i have fortunately found the perfect guy who is willing to raise my son with me as his own as he loves us both very much. I was just wondering out of the men out there,...
where there was a bit on a woman who had let her alsation starve and only got a 4 month prison sentence. i was wondering who else out there thinks that animal cruelty should have harsher sentence's,...