1. 11a came running in about flower arrangement, 6,r-c--- 2. 24a, security programme to combat getting flu, 9,8, first word is antivirus -o-t-a-e. 3. 8d, group having no members and no songs, 5,3,...
there are 7 girls in a bus each girl has 7 backpacks in each backpack .there are 7 big cats for every big cat there are 7 little cats question: how many legs are in the bus
I am stuck on the following. can anyone help please? Any help appreciated. which two animals during their second year of life is the term"teg" applied I think one is a sheep but am stuck on the other...
I have a Acer Dissectum in a large pot all looks good apart from the very edge of the leaves have started to go a light brown and look like they will die any ideas what is causing this and how to...