Eye test to determine what damage I caused to my left eye after a nasty fall on 24th June. Before you ask, yes, drink was involved. Right eye perfect vision, left eye is like being under water, hope I...
https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/aug/18/black-met-police-inspector-stopped-by-officers-while-driving-home-from-work New offence to go alongside DWB. How much more do they want before admitting...
The UKs Track and Trace has been an unmitigated failure. Our world beating App didn’t work, not enough people signed up for it, a proven off-the-peg framework from Apple/Google was initially ignored,...
Hi abers, some of you may remember I had a balloon angioplasty and stent fitted 4 weeks ago. That with coronavirus its been a rough ride. Now the virus has virtually cleared (waiting for results) I am...
… I have seen more than my fair share of classic songs butchered beyond redemption - but I wonder if anything is going to eclipse this!
Fairly easy this week, I think, especially as there's a 'freebie' question (where all three responses are correct), so my score of 4 isn't particularly spectacular and it should be easy enough for...
Sorry this made me smile.
IS Satan a ruler of this system or this world - because it is in such a mess and he is using man to destroy himself -- because of HIS selfish desires. The say Bible at John .14.30 it's giving me the...
I'm not quite sure of all the details, but it seems Caroline's death was partly brought about by obtrusive police, who instead of cautioning her, insisted the case went to the CPS.
Am I alone in never having eaten these or fed my child with them!
There was a video on youtube that i watched many times in 2013-2014, but unfortunately, it got deleted and i want to know if there is a possibility to bring it back. It was a short video from a minor...