Ian Blair has asked that people should not go to vote in the impending elections for new police commissioners. I happen agree with him although if one person votes there will be one. I predict a...
This bit made me chuckle... // Ronald Thwaites QC said jurors should not find in the comedian's favour. And he said if jurors thought that Mr Boyle had been libelled they should show their...
I have been getting about 3 texts a day from the above mentioned company saying I am considered on a loan up to £750. I do not want a loan unless it is at zero interest. It is saying text back...
appropriate people. what song would you give to who? adam and the ants-stand and deliver=prime minister shaggy-it wasn't me=jimmy saville ian drury and the blockheads-hit me with your rythm...
I am listening to Radio 2 where they are saying that the people that witnessed the abuse are as guilty as Jimmy Saville. I tried to 'whistle blow' a bad/abusive manager to senior management. It was...
Do you believe in karma? I always have done but I think I'm going a bit mental and it's going to extremes. For example, I think if I let someone cross a road or hold a door open then something good...
This goes back several years to when McLaren F1 team were found to have been spying on Ferrari and pinching details of the technology. The FIA fined McLaren umpteen $M. Short report on the 'Today'...
A rather liquid encounter with a Marsala tasting emporium has resulted in me being the proud owner of a couple of litre bottles of (very good) Marsala. I fly back soon from Sicily and (given the...
Quite apart from the bizarre nature of the story ... please just note the author's name - has our much loved music journalist ABer got a new gig ?? http://tyneandwear.sky.com/news/article/41658 I do...
Have struggled to near completion, but can't get2d: Cross letters with cross answer spoken in the heat of the moment (2 words) I?RI?A. I originally had 'in rage', which I could find justification for,...
Most agree Obama had his butt kicked in the first debate so is this just a bout of sour puss mud slinging? http://www.bbc.co.uk/...ld-us-canada-19835176...
// Three civil servants are suspended after flaws in the bidding process for the UK's West Coast rail franchise will see it re-run at a cost of at least £40m. // Anyone else thinking bribes?...