22a it restricts two cricket sides, bagging one run (3-4) l-g ---n 18d girl's attending operas - here's Britten character (7) h-r-i-g 23d indian dish: recipe articles will include it (5) --i-a Thank...
VERy obscure today. I have several left but these may help with the others. 23a) wonderful lord, popular designation for god in Sikhism (either spelling) (8) I have R?h?????, although the R could be a...
Did anyone else find this one harder than normal? I'm sure the answer to 1 across is TACO but what's it got to do with returning sick. Any thoughts appreciated.
Still struggling with this one Please can anyone help 3 down assessor dealing with marine claims two words 7 and 8 ?V????? O??????? Also 5 down Waterway between Fort William and Inverness two words 10...
morning folks, just stuck on two this morning ... 23d a type of weight attached to a fishing line to anchor the bait in specific place (6) l?d?e? 15a in opera, a style of vocal performance pitched...
tall sides to greenhouse are mostly used when quicker progress is required (4, 4) _ I _ H _ E _ R = high ? caterer has to be positioned where the barbecue is possibly (7) organise large pot when...
Just one left 7d) dialect word for some birds, including the willow warbler (4-3) I have either o?e?t?t or n?e?t?t dependant on the case for one across. Thanks very much!