For the last 6 months or so I have been regularly getting an uncomfortable sensation in throat/chest. It feels like I have swallowed a big lump of food-something dry and dense , like brown bread ,...
I have a multi fuel burner-like a wood burner but takes coal too-cast iron. The fire bricks are wearing out. Before replacing them i'm wondering what they actually do and whether they are necessary?...
I once made some homemade Xmas decs by soaking thin slices of fresh orange or it was perhaps whole clemantines or satsumas in a strong sugar solution and drying them out, but I cannot remember the...
does anyone know why the immature and unripe fruits of my bush tomatoes keep dropping off the plant? They are way too small to eat and green-not yet ripe.
I foolishly bought a single(not self pollinating) apple tree autumn 2005(it has fruit on). Needless to say this year nothing(i have no other apple trees in my garden). I cant remember variety. Can...
We have a 3 year old Greyhound whose breath could strip wallpaper! She is on a good diet, has bones and lovely white teeth no obvious tartar, Any suggestions to make her beath sweeter would really be...
hi my 6 mnth old min pin puppy keps making a rasping (not choking or sicky sound) noise every so often.he acts like theres something stuck in his throat.this is accompanied by sneezing.hes only been...
i bought a fig tree and it just looked like a bare stick in a pot it had no branches or leaves then i read written by an expert that figs only grow on last years groth and i had none anyway i repotted...
Hi emuchops, i noticed that you answered a question about flies and how to get rid of them. Does the plant you bought from morrisons have a name label on it, i'd be keen to get one if i knew what it...
can anyone advise a novice on a nice yeasty lager / beer from these homebrew kits??? Geordie, Beaverdale etc?? liebfromilch type of wine or can anyone recommend any thanks in advance. Ian
Ive just bought one of the above-about 18 inches tall and in a container. 1 label says its hardy-the other says not. Does anyone know if its safe to leave to the mercy of a Pembrokeshire winter or...
with all the nice weather we're having ive constantly got doors and windows open but needless to say im getting a lot of flies in the house. i dont want to use spray or fliypapers has anyone got any...
Occasionally when im eating (especially when im bolting my food,or eating white bread) i get a sharp pain deep in my throat that feels like something sharp(like a home made chip, or a pin), is stuck...
My 5 month old puppy (long haired chihuahua and maltese cross) has had three or four episodes of what I can only describe as a breathing spasm. She starts sort of snorting and making a funny noise....
I made a batch of Parsnip wine back in Feb-its never really fermented and ive tried everything like adding new starter yeasts and commercially available "restarters"-any ideas? i regularly make wine...