i have been mates with mark and dave since we were kids. dave was living with a girl and they had a baby together. unfortunately they split up when the baby was nine months old. she has been really...
Can anyone recommend a good foundation/tinted moisturiser/powder?? I have always used Boots tinted moisturiser followed by pressed powder but lately I sometimes look pale, sometimes look orange, or...
My girlfriends sister was on a date Sat night. However I was surprised that she went out with no money at all, not even any cards. I only found out cos my girlfriend said we might end up picking her...
No really... Sorry to be disgusting but my nose was pouring blood inside and even outside when it happened yesterday evening, what i want to know is how can i stop the bleeding!!?? Its not pouring now...
I very often start singing a song or at least thinking it, quite suddenly. I have quite a musical background and remember a lot of songs, so it could just be a phrase or word that triggers the memory...
After taking part in a few threads about religion, I came to wonder why people are so fired up about religion, the people that were contributing answers were either extremely against or extremely for,...
My husband missed the first 2 episodes of 24 on Sky One this weekend. AS much as he enjoyed my rambled update of what happened last night it would be good if I could find him a proper episode synopsis...
What would you think if the existence of god and jesus was ever proven beyond all doubt? I don't know how, but say it was something that banished all doubt once and for all.How would you feel?...
does anyone know how to remove the 'memory' my computer seems to have for google searches? E.g. when typing in "a", it will bring in a drop down box with all searches i have performed using google...
Does anyone know if I can get hold of copies of Beck's Depression or Anxiety indexes on the Internet? A copy of the hopelessness & suicidality would be helpful as well. I'm finding shedloads of...
Anyone got any feelings on this? I think it will be odd for a while. A bit sad for the oldsters whose only real social connection might be a pint and a fag in the pub. Pubs are going to suffer. Surely...
I read in this mornings Mirror another story of 'yobs' mistreating a cat. They threw it from a balcony, again and again, and filmed it, 'for fun'. What's making kids act like this? Who's to blame?...
I know that Britian will not extradite anyone to a country that has the death penalty. Surely someone who is aware of this could commit the crime then flee here. Do you think that if a person commited...
This isn't a question. With reference to a post you gave on an earlier question (valentine's bore). I'd hopefully like to be the first to wish you "happy 21st birthday" (I haven't checked). Apparently...
A double decker's roof was blown off this afternoon. I was told it was a bomb, but the media has not carried the news. Is it information management to avoid panic in the society?
Hey again. I'm feeling pretty lost at the moment. I've just broken up with my long term bfriend, all my friends are at uni (I'm on a gap year), I'm scared about going to uni cos I'm worried I'm not...