I say abolish them completely unless it's direct governement business, they get enough salary, if they don't like the conditions then get another job. Surely the rest of us apply for a job with a plan...
the implications of declaring yourself bankrupt, as far as your future is concerned.? Just trying to help a friend with debts, failed business , negative equity, cc debt and so on.
I wish to get a song on to CD. I haven't got a MP3/4 player or an ipod, (not that I would now what to do with them!). Is there anyway I can download a song to the pc then put it on disc....for free?...
I dont quite understand this story - do you ? She really couldn't find a packet of bird's Instant Custard ? Where was she looking for it - in DIY stores , or something ?...
If you deposit say, ?15,000 from a private pension into a bank account, are they obliged to inform the Inland Revenue and do the Pension Company do likewise?
i see in the"gadget show"last night that you can fit in car entertainment products that let you watch a dvd while driving. i know it can be used for rear seat passengers and of...
I have been using an SD card reader to transfer files between my desktop and laptop computers for some time with either a 2Gb SD card or an 8Gb SCHC card without problems - until recently. My desktop...
Are you able to watch hd on your hd ready tv by connecting a sky+ box to a blu ray player and then onto your tv...without having a hd box that you have to subscribe to. I already pay the full sky tv...
It s hard to believe that they would sell out of date food. I havent eaten meat from there since a program a few years ago showing old meat going back to the warehouse to be re-packaged, hiding the...
Which do you think is best, roll on or spray deodorant? I'm sick of getting white marks on my clothes, even from the deodorant that say "no white marks"! Would a roll on work all day? I find that the...
Having difficulty loading and usig incredimail. My ISP is SKY and I have set both pop and smtp to sky.com. However, I still get 'outgoing server smtp.sky.com cannot be found (etc.)'. The detail reads...
I am a 20 year old female and fairly active (Just ran my first 10k). I am not overweight but regardless of following a reasonably healthy diet and going to the gym about 5 times a week, I am...
I have just had this email from bt ,Thank you for signing up to bt talk and sent me a password,I havent signed up for anything ,don't know what bt talk is let alone sign up for it , and I dread...
I came back from a 2 week holiday in mercia Spain , on thurs night. (santiago de la Ribera) I had my purse lifted out of my bag, by a very quick proffesional purse snatcher ! in the local market. I...
Did anyone watch this last night? I thought the programme was great and the photography was stunning - anyone agree? For anyone who missed it, it's on again tonight on BBC2 at 7 pm.