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All answers are related to something to do with school. 39 W C by P J H 50 T by G M 60 P M by B J Thank you for any help...
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Hi all, 1 across, Lack of pity or compassion, (15) ????????e?s???s. 10 across, soundness of judgement, (6) ?a???y. 22 across, monikors (5) ??m??. 29 across, lie back, (7) r???r??. 4 down, delights,...
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17 Down: Change but not study interpretation(7) V?R?I?N. Many thanks in advance.
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Hi all. 2 down, of lasting worth (7) c?u?s?c. 8 down, under pressure, (5) ??n?e. 22 down, reverie, (5) d?e??. 7 across, at the back of the ship, (3) a??. 28 across, people who feign illness, (11)...
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Hi all, 16 across, nocturnal lemur, (3,3) a?e??e. 23 across, form a mental image, (8) ???i???e. 26 across, sworn in as witness, (5,4) ?n?e????h. 18 down, Scandinavian girls name, (6) a?????. 22 down,...
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Hi all, two please. 11 across, Deities, (4) g?d?. 20 across, contacts (8) l?s?s?n?. Thank you....
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6 and 7 letters -----e -r-u-d-
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Hi all, 20 across, to continue or persevere, (5-2) ????yon. 23 across, moor, (5) h?a?h. 27 across, to find fault with, (9) r?p????n?. 19 down, stand at the ready, (4) ???t. 21 down, uneven, (5) ??u??....
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Hi all, 1 down, undesirable trader, (5-10) s?a?e?????i???r. 14 across, undesirable landlord, (4-6) ????r?????. 15 down, layabout, idler, (6-3) ????e???y. Thank you...
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Hi all I want to connect the above laptop to my tv what cable would be recommended. My tv is a Philips 42inch HD with three HMDI inlets. Thank you...
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Hi all can someone recommend a good cheap UBS wireless adaptor for my desktop, I don't want to spend much as I have a laptop and I do not use the desktop very often. Kind regards Eugene....
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i absolutley hate pubic hair, i much prefer to be completely bald down there but im sick of shaving everyday, is it safe to used hair removal cream, i dont think i can handle getting a wax.
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Hi all last one, 8 down, tyrannical people, (14) ?u?h?r?t?r?a?s. Thank you...
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HI all, 19 across, the starts of plane flights, (4-4) ?a?e???s. 21 down, airmen, (6) ??y?r? Thank you...
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I have recently signed with Vodafone broadband in my home, my trouble is my laptop and my main computer keep going off line, the icon keeps coming up "connect". Is there some way around...
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Hi all. Just one please. 3 down, Distended, inflated, (7) ?w?l?e?. It's either swelled or swollen. Thank you....
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Hi all. I took some footage with my video camera recently and uploaded it to my Acer Aspire laptop to my videos, I then burned it to DVD disc but when i went to play it back on my DVD player it would...
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Hi All, just a few please. 5 down, seaside plants frugality, (6) ?h?i?t. 12 across, piece of bread with savoury topping, (6) ?a?a?e. 14 across, seedlings used as a relish in salads. (7,3,5)...
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Hi All, last one please, 5 down, dissenters, (14) ?o?c?n?o?m?s?s. Thank You....
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Hi all, 8 down, place names derived from the names of real or mythical people, (7) e?o?y?s. 18 down, relating to origin, (7) ????t?c., 17 down, a professional who designs, eg.public works, ((8)...

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