Is anyone on the new Champix tablets to stop them smoking? Does anyone have any info on them. My mate having funny dreams and not sure if its tablets or lack of nicotine......
my friend thinks she might be pregnant. she had sex on the last day of her period, and even though it's not likely to get pregnant on your period, she has some symptoms: nausea (she looked at a piece...
Haven't been on here for a bit guys. I had a miscarriage last week and I didn't even know I was pregnant; I have always had irregular periods and what with moving house etc I didn't even realise I was...
ive been constantly needing the loo for the past day but only a dribble or nothing comes out, and ive got a really uncomfortable pain in my lower stomach and back almost like a period pain. its so...
both me and whiskeysheri have had a person we don't know add us to her msn today. she said she got our addresses from an email, neither of us have any idea who she is! she keeps asking me a,s,l? have...
Hi I've just bought a duck , with giblets , just wondering if anyone has any recipes ideas to share with me..........what can I do with the giblets ? thanks scott
1 - group of kids on rollerblades - think they escape from somewhere in the dessert then they have to jump over a cavern by swinging each other round to pick up speed ? 2 - group of middle aged...
why is it that E numbers dont have the same effect on adults as they do on our kids.? When my 3 year old has even the smallest amount of cola or a single smartie he bounces off the walls, and runs...
Hi all, My parents bought their house back in the 70's, but weren't able to purchase the front garden in this agreement, as there was a right of way between the front of the house and the garden. This...
I have had probably about 30-35 cats in my life,all domestic short hairs among them about 5 orange tiger striped or tabbys I have found the orange cats to be more intellegent ,more socialable , all...
i had my tounge pierced on thursday... had nothing but trouble with it and took it out on sunday night.... but in minutes my tounge swool right up n started pussing, which i wasnt to worried about.......
For over a year now I have been woken up once or twice a week with severe itching. Originally it was in my upper arms, but recently it's moved to both thighs, just above the knees. I find Lanacane...