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his is week two's introduction from 'King Fordward' (aka fordward) posted on his behalf by gen2. Well here we are again, another week into September. Thought I'd tell you about my trip of a lifetime...
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(posted by gen2 on behalf of fordward) This is “King Fordward”, returned from exile after four and a half years to challenge you all once more. Here we are on week one. I’m a wee bit...
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And so the month of revelry with Queen Hatshepsut at the helm has come to a close, now we must take our leave of that beautiful and powerful lady and return to the humdrum of everyday living. What a...
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This the final week of my reign and I, Queen Hatshepsut, hope that like me, you have enjoyed the time spent in ancient Egypt, whiling away the days lazing on the Nile and hunting across the hot desert...
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Greetings again from the Royal Palace of Thebes, where I, Queen Hatshepsut, continue to test your grey cells [and your patience] with my whimsies And I am quite desolate to see that for a second week,...
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MM Links August 2012 – week 3 Greetings, here is Queen Hatshepsut welcoming you to the third episode of brain-teasing tantalization – pitting your brain against someone who lived some...
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This is your setter for the month and while I go by the name of seekeerz most of the time, my regal nom de plume for August will be Queen Hatshepsut Hatty was a very spunky lady and like most women,...
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This is King John 11 (aka Rockfirdill) here with my 4th (and final) attempt at being the MM setter. I know now how careful one must be with these preambles! All must be triple checked etc. etc. 'cos...
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At one time archery was crucial to the defence and protection of England. It was the great long bow that won, among others, the battle of Agincourt .English longbowmen could loose between 6 and 8...
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Last week I alluded to the Wey & Arun Canal so I thought it appropriate to give a little more background to this, I hope, worthy cause. The Canal was thought about and planned in the very early...
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This week's game is over so I can now reveal the chosen links. I said: "This week's game is over so I can now reveal the chosen links." King John II, aka Rockfordill, had previosly selected...
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This is Rockfordill back to challenge you after a 2-year hiatus. Thanks to Gen 2 I have been re-elevated to regal status as King John II so I have progressed from a rather unfortunate character with...
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[Posted for the final time by gen2 on behalf of deecee131 ] This is 'Don Corleone' back to finish [you] off. It has been a very enjoyable experience, my second time, setting the links for the past...
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Apologies for the brief delay caused by my laptop refusing to communicate with my wireless router. I have used USB memory to transfer it to my desktop computer. I can now reveal that the link words...
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[Posted once again by gen2 on behalf of deecee131 ] This is 'Don Corleone' back once again (You don't get rid of me that easily). The start of the London Olympic Games at Stratford is fast...
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[Posted by gen2 on behalf of deecee131 – (He had to see a man about a dog, or was it a horse's head?)] This is 'Don Corleone' back again. I am sure that I told you all in my first time in this...
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[Posted by gen2 on behalf of deecee131] This is 'Don Corleone' back again. 'As you may have noticed from previous input from me, I spend a fair amount of time nowadays involved in cricket umpiring. I...
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[Posted by gen2 on behalf of deecee131] 'Little did I think that 'Don Corleone' (my given name by Crofter), would need to try and shoot you all down again. When I was checking how well (or badly) I...
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This is “BigMac”. First – an apology. My use of a proper name last week caused some anger / confusion. I apologise. In mitigation, the word ‘posh’ was used in my...
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BigMac's 3rd challenge has now closed. I can reveal that his chosen links were: DIAMOND JUBILEE VICTORIA BECKHAM BARGE POLE RADIO TIMES A few obvious ones there but that one awkward pairing had most...

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