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This is 'Big Mac' returning with week two of the May MM Links malarkey. We approach summer (seem to have by-passed spring) and colleagues talked longingly last week about getting the barbecues out at...
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Spring, at last, seems to have sprung. Our snowdrops having been in flower for what seems like forever have packed it in. Daffodils, at long last, are out. There is, in the Strix garden, an invasion...
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More than five generations of Mrs Strix family have bred, trained and competed on horses. From earliest youth they all have had close relationships with their horses. This means they are closely in...
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Oh dear, I seem, last weekend, to have left you somewhat in the dark as to what my links might be. I will try to be less abstruse this time. As I said a week ago, I am an architect. I was lucky enough...
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This was a new month and a new setter. Did you forgot that and think it was just an ordinary player setting the links? Oh no. April's links are being set by a Strix, 'Strix the Dilettante' to be...
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The game has now closed - and what a game it was! Queen Kay's final set of chosen links were: TOWN CRIER SONG THRUSH TICKET TOUT STAGE FRIGHT The scores this week were all you could have expected . ....
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This is 'Queen Kay' (aka evsajo) here for the final March challenge, Good Morning all, As this is my last week of setting the links I decided to write something about my home town (well city actually)...
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This is 'Queen Kay' (aka evsajo) here again, Good Morning all, I am writing this as I sit freezing in my house, surrounded by furniture. My front door and conservatory door are wide open as the carpet...
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This week's game has now closed and I can now reveal that 'Queen Kay's' chosen links were NOT (and never were) on the theme of 'Red Nose Day'. They were: COUNTER PANE NEEDLE MATCH WORK HOUSE SAFETY...
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This is 'Queen Kay' (aka evsajo) here again, Morning all, Just over a year ago my daughter and her friend took over a shop in Lichfield and launched [I] The Sewing Shop [i], which, as the name...
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This is 'Queen Kay' (aka evsajo) here, Morning all, As you have probably noticed from my avatar one of the passions in my life is visiting car boot sales. (I sometimes sell at them too) I have been...
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The game has now closed and your chance to probe the mind of 'Queen Kay' (aka evsajo) is over until next weekend. Though what help another week will bring is debatable - some of us have spent years...
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Morning all, I have spent the last few days in the seaside town of Brixham, Devon, staying with my daughter and her family. It has been SO cold that I haven’t really ventured out apart from watching...
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February draws to a close so this is the game that decides next month's setter. Emperor Kawakiri bowed out with the following chosen links: BENCH MARK MILK SHAKE WHITE BOARD PRINCE REGENT Kawakiri...
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(Posted by gen2 as kawakiri is having computer start-up problems this morning) This is 'Emperor Kawakiri'. For my final week I take my challenge words from my work experience. My first job was with...
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I must say that your restraint was commendable on Saturday morning when the challenge words made an unexpected early appearance. Thanks to 'Emperor Kawakiri', early visitors to the thread had an extra...
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This is 'Emperor Kawakiri'. As I said in my week one introduction my home county is Cheshire, also known as the County Palatine of Chester. “What have the Romans ever done for us?” Well I suppose...
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This game has now closed and therefore I can reveal what 'Emperor Kawakiri' had chosen for his four links. They were: FIRST LOVE SWEET HEART CREDIT CARD GIFT TOKEN Even though three of those links...
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This is 'Emperor Kawakiri'. Well here we are in week two and hopefully being a little more predictable with my link choices than I was last week. This week’s words are inspired by 'Hallmark' Day....

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