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So we come to Week Three and my thoughts turn, naturally, to the fantastic day of sport that awaits us. Subject to the weather (this is being written early on Thursday morning), day three of the...
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Friday already - doesn't time fly these days - not like the old days when summer days lasted forever. The shrubbery has been rather quiet of late and yesterday I found bindweed and brambles had taken...
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Last week’s intro was rather hurried and I promised gen2 that I’d try and do a little better this week. I wrote this during bank holiday Monday – May Day – whilst at work. In...
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It is shrubbery opening time once again but I'm afraid I'll have to do it by remote control. I'm not One, I'm not Two, I'm not Three, I'm not Four But I am 500 miles away from home. I'm just managing...
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Well, it falls to me, BigMac. So, for week one, you need to know how my mind works. It doesn’t. Or rather, it flits like a butterfly, alighting where it will. So there may be no rhyme –...
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This week's game is now over so I can now reveal that the links chosen by our April setter, Regal Roslyn (aka roslyn251254), were: SHOWER CURTAIN OPEN SESAME SNAP DRAGON KING GEORGE Now that was...
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Hello again. Here is Week 3's Challenge from Regal Roslyn I shall be brief this week ( “Hooray”, I hear you all shout!!) as daughter is quite ill and I am required to go round to her house...
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Another tough game with lots of options for most of Regal Roslyn's challenge words. I can now reveal that she had chosen: FLASH FLOOD SUN DIAL WOODWIND SNOW DROP Read on to find out who scored what....
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Hello again. Here is week 2's challenge from “Regal Roslyn”. A Weather Report: If Les Dennis (Family Fortunes) were to ask his television audience of one hundred the question "What is...
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Hello again from “Regal Roslyn”. Yes it is only a few months ago that I was the setter, but no-one was prepared to accept gen2’s challenge so I’m afraid you are stuck with me...
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There were lots of possibilities again this weekend with the possibility of another low-scoring week ensuing. It was all down to 'Princess Diana' (aka Grannydi). Dis she go for the obvious ones or the...
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Life has been somewhat manic since our return from Gran Canaria. After a quick shop to fill the ‘fridge I dashed up to the golf club to resume my duties as Lady Captain. That afternoon was the...
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Good Morning Linkers wherever you are, this is Princess Diana continuing my theme from Gran Canaria although we are now back in the much cooler NE. The geography of this volcanic island varies...
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A truly international game this weekend. Thanks to the marvels of modern technology, 'Princess Diana' (aka Grannydi) was able to prepare the links from holiday in Gran Ganaria and our 'Hotshot' was...
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This is Princess Diana,- a name given to me by ‘crofter’ over two years ago- sending you greetings from sunny Gran Canaria, where Hubby and I are enjoying a two week break from the cold of...
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Good morning all - from sunny down-under, where autumn has arrived, bringing floods and strong winds, just for good measure !! And a nice little group of challenging links for us to attempt for the...
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Last month ended with Slaney top of the leaderboard and initially I offered the throne to her although she had set the links twice before. She reluctantly agreed but secretly hoped another would come...
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Morning all from the Baron for the last time this month. A fairly event-less week we've had too - though 'the Commons bar punch-up' did give us a laugh. Then there was the passing of Norn Iron's top...
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TODAY: I'll just be brief tonight as I am running late. TOMORROW at 8:45 in Q & P, 'The Baron' (aka BeeJay) will post his final introduction to the MM Links Game to be followed at 9am by his...
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The 'Baron Brian' challenged you all with a mixed bunch of mongrels this weekend. The right answers were sitting there begging to be chosen but did you select any of them? You were seeking the...

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