i've been tasked by someone close to me to find her a robbie williams dvd entitled 'swing when you're winning. the trouble is all references to that title lead back to a dvd entitled 'live at the...
Me and the other half normally order a takeaway on a saturday but he is working away til tomorrow. Can't decide what to cook, feel uninspired. :-( Daffi x
As above. He has everything he needs!!! He is captain of a hockey team, but I can't think of anything to buy him as he likes to get his own stick and clothes. I thought about a gift experience with a...
is the new england manager, if i were english i would be very pleased to have him in charge of my team his cv is outstanding, do you english people care that he is not english?
We have booked to see Beowulf in 3D at the London IMAX, in January Bearing in mind that the screen is 20 metres high(think five double decker buses!) and 26 metres wide it should be some experience. I...
I saw a show in Thailand where a girl pulled loads of razor blades tied together by string out of her private parts. How did she do this without hurting herself? Also what happens if one stays in...