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fat rascal

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fat rascal
i feel so upset that they can even be contemplating a return to commerical whaling, why can't they just leave them alone?
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I heard an Item on Radio 4 a frew months ago about a new website that was supposed to be the 'future of publishing'. You submitted your work to it, then were paid small amounts by subscribers wanting...
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I'm all for supporting Englnad, but does anyone actualy think we stand a chance of winning? I mean seriously?
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what do you call a collective of pygmy shrews
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Why NO Public Holiday in U.K.? Australia had a Day off.
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....I'm so excited! I've got monday and tuesday off work and i'm hobbling to Alton Towers! and my boyfriend is cooking for me for the first time tonight! What you guys got planned?? xx
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Verdicts? Predictions? I reckon 3-1 to Argentina...
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Which DONd contestant has sent sexy tingles down your spine ?,male or female. My fave so far has been Lucy.
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fat rascal
why oh why can't we play like this!!!
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Chris Moyles mentioned today how Crouch held onto the defender's pony tail to help him score the header! Did anyone else see this?????
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My cat has caught a baby rabbit, which is all of 5 inches long and oh my did it scream. I managed to get it away from the cat and safely into a box to recover, it has been asleep for an hour now, but...
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Drusilla1S Does anyone liked piped music? I can't even sit in the waiting room at my doctor's surgery without some populist, classical music interrupting the...
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A young girl was locked in a cellar or something and an older girl came to save her. The young girl couldn't/would't speak or co-operate with the older one trying to help her. The man who was going to...
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Can anyone offer any advice on social anxiety. I never realised up until now that I had such a problem but when I think about it, my social anxiety has affected my life in so many ways. Whenever I go...
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i have developed severe arthritis in both knees, always been geedy, and after looking on the net have seen a myriad of non-drug reliefs and miracle cures. being wise enough to know most of these are...
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i have good dental hygiene (brush twice a day, use an antibactierial mouth wash, have recently started flossing) but over the past week or so the gums of my bottom front teeth have been extremely...
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How do I stop my cats from sitting on my windowsill's and leaving all their hair on my curtains etc...
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how fit does mr ramsay look in the ad for the f word?? oooo he makes me come over all funny!!
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OK, I value the opinions of your AB'rs! (honestly I do). I am 30, single and live on my own. I have a great family and friends and am very happy with my life. Why is it others question that I can be...

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