Im on my honey moon in a couple of weeks for 2 weeks. we have arranged for our 2 yr old cat to be placed in a cattery whilst we are away. The cattery has been rceommneded by a friend. I am now worried...
My son is serving in Afghanistan. He's in the parachute regiment. 2 Paras killed in Afghanistan on Saturday. Top story on news, Bekham resigns as captain of England. It's not the team that turns the... t_midlands/5134936.stm Ooh, if only I'd been there- they'd have quickly followed it. For some reason, this has actually really got to me.
I am waiting in anticipation for my local library to get me the new Janet Evanovich book. Does anyone know how long before the library gets books after the release date.
If it comes to it for England, who would be your 5 penalty takers for England and in what order?? Mine would be: 1. Rooney 2. Beckham 3. Ashley Cole 4. Gerrard (no.4 is often an important one) 5....
Hot weather, wide open windows, and occasionally a fly comes in for a bit of a buzz. The cat's been pretty adept at hunting them down, but also munching them up. He's usually much too fast for me to...
what was your favourite television programmes you remember as a kid or teenager, no matter of how good or rubbish they were? the one which sticks in my head was rent-a-ghost.
Office argument this afternoon - a workmate has said that the most venomous spider in the world is native to the UK, but its teeth aren't strong enough to break human skin. I've said I think he's...
im of on holiday in 5 days and i want to buy a really good book to keep me entertained whilst sunbathing ! i like true crime stories, crime fiction, i like autobiographys, and true stories can anyone...
For a number of months now i have noticed a thick white coating on my toung. My diet isnt that bad and i clean my teeth twice a day as normal. Does any one know what this is and how i can get rid of...
I was reading in an internet article somebody who is dead is going to come back to life like Harry's parents, Sirius, or even Cedric from the seventh book! Who do you think it will be?
We seemed to have adopted a cat, or a cat's adopted us I should say. I don't think she's a stray - she doesn't have a collar but is in good condition, if a little skinny, and is very affectionate. We...
How bad for you is diet coke, i have read the can im drinking as i type this and it says theres zero everything (sugar,fat etc)! but people have told me that its still bad for you, is this true??