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Did anyone read or hear anything recently about a terrorist plot to capture and kill the Canadian Premier ?
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My housemaid is 60 years old in a few weeks and has been very loyal to me over the past 4 years. What do I buy a 60 year old for her birthday. She doesn't have a husband, no hobbies and is not...
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Does anyone think this might escalate into something really serious and involve Iran and therefore cause a major problem?
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okay... I am struggling with something that I've been trying to get my mind around for awhile. the whole deal with older women going for younger men, the whole ashton/demi ordeal... I've fallen for a...
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Today i read a horrific story about a cat who was repeatedly thrown from a 60ft balcony by teenagers who also filmed their sickening behaviour on a mobile phone. One of the teenagers involved has been...
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I have a blister on my heel, its been there 3 days and hasn't burst, is it better to leave it or burst it? I haven't been wearing shoes since but if I have to it is going to burst anyway.
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what is your fave song intro, i still love bittersweet symphony.
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i have just started reading my 12th Jeffrey Deaver book. i find that within the first few pages i am totally hooked. i can't put the book down! does anyone else feel like this when reading a Deaver or...
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you picked your nose?
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love my kids
im in the middle of a nasty divorce from a man who was violent to me, and wants to hurt me as ive got a lovely new partner who im going to marry and settle with when im divorced. We dont live together...
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is this not THE most annoying man on TV..... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!! he does my head in!!!!! am i the only one?
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Sorry to anyone who hasn't seen this film as this thread may contain don't look!! Basically, I watched Donnie Darko last night...and i just don't understand it! Could somebody please...
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I have 9.5 points left, what shall i have for dinner?
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I cant believe what i have just seen! Zidane, one of the greatest players of all time head-butting someone in the World Cup final!
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i have been invited by you know who to a barbecue next weekend, i have an irrational fear of this based on Mrs h and her somewhat aggressive attitude how can i combat this? also what should i bring...
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At what price will the shares be floated next week?
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how would I find out what the day was of a certain date in the fortys and fiftys
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france v italy...who do u think is going to win? personally i think and definatly hope france!!
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my little cat has always been an indoor cat, I have had her about two years, and I recently moved into a new apartment with some other ladies. They have been careless about leaving the door open...
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Ward~Minter is off on a short climbing expedition in Derbyshire (Haven't climbed for 10 years and was never any good!!!) Be good folks and i have had quite a good week on AB. I have only made one new...

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