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Just got a new puppy and my 7 year old dog is very wary of it. He has always been brilliant with most dogs but is behaving very strange with the puppy. I have bought a large cage for the pup so that...
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Why do people, especially outside city supermarkets insist on feeding pigeons. Outside our local Tesco there are two main culprits, an elderly woman and Asian gentleman (also elderly) who arrive with...
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I am having a breast enlargement in 9 days time and I've heard that you should take arnica tablets leading up to operation to help with bruising and swelling. Does anyone know if this is correct or...
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I have taken a giant leap, decided to end the 'relationship' (if you can call it that) with a married guy I have been seeing. It still hurts. I feel dreadful. Its taking all strength I have not to...
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I've just replied to some replies about a post I made earlier, as one of my work colleagues by accident as they had their details in the memory of the shared computer. they then wanted to know who I...
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separated from my husband 6 years ago having been together for 11 years (we have a 9 year old son). He has recently split from his girlfriend (they lived together and were engaged). She instigated the...
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wonder years
dont you just hate it if you join a dead long thread and then your the last and nobody answers after you i feel like billy no mates so iam allways dead glad when i get answer after me so go on make me...
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wonder years
whos the biggest threader nicker on answer bank if you think there is one certain person or do you think everybody on here is guilty of it at one time or other?
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wonder years
well i dont know about you but i think this is my busiest night so far on ab and i will have to go now and i will check in the moring see who is billy on my thread hope i havent given you complexs...
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just been out and the moon looks spectacularrrrrrr (re:Jimbo,southpark) tonight.
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ANy advice? I am picking up 2 kittens later and am unsure what to call them. They are both male, black and very fluffy. I have a cat already named fendi cause his fur is similar colours to the...
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I've got a 14 month old springer bitch and for the past few days she has been biting her backside. Today I noticed that she is licking her privates quite a bit and whilst watching, I noticed quite a...
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name the musician who recently posted a message on their website denying a marriage split
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What food can eat to give me energy as im constantly tired at the moment?
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The Kellogs Frosties advert AAArrrggghhhhh Did he commit suicide? I cant remember the bloomin song Its gonna xxxxxxxxxx
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I drink most nights...I call it "me time"! but can get through a bottle a night (wine) I dont get drunk as I sip the wine during the evening. Am I the only one who does this?
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Love them or hate them?
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Just got a nasty AB's reply on law about immigration question I posted, can you check I haven't gone over the top with my reply but I was so angry! thanks

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