I downloaded a film from Limewire, after waiting for what seemed hours for it to download, I tried to play it and a screen appeared with; windows picture and fax viewer - no preview available. How do...
i am more than sure that i have heard this song in english before if it is in english please could you tell me what it is http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=lH_Y-5Acvsc&feat ure=related
Has anyone any idea as to whether mattress shops have a returns policy if the mattress you buy is not suitable after all?? I have been told there is such a policy but not sure if its true. We bought...
I know this question should be put in Law, but this really is very urgent, and I would appreciate any advice on this from anyone who has has a similar experience. Last weekend I spent 3 nights in a...
Can anyone recommend a reliable simple safe and trustworthy web based email account . I would like to be able to connect it to thunderbird so that I can write emails offline and connect to send them ....
my laptop seems to be very hot, even on the mousepad, i hear the fan sometimes but dont always notice it. is there any way to check it is working properly, i,e coming on as often as it should? i am on...
i a presently involved with a legal case (helping my son out) and i have found the whole thing fascinating and would love to learn more,my husband suggested that i consider doing a law degree and i...
When obtaining a new tax disc early how soon can I dispaly it on the car? Is it - no more than 14 days before the old tax disc expires? I thought I read this somewhere but cannot find it now
My friend was involved in a domestic with her ex-partner a few weeks ago. She had gone down to his work to try and sort finaces out when an argument broke out. A female colleague of her ex-parnter had...
My local authority has erected a "work of art" in an area of the countryside where I live. They have provided a car park that is only for use by disabled persons. Are they committing an offence???
Being greenminded (ish) I have been composting all my scraps and stuff for about a year. Initially the little bit of compost that I got out the bottom was good, but when I went to get a more on the...
Hi Ethel,and anyone else who answers my question. I keep getting fake Ebay emails asking about laptop computers.I have never bought or sold a laptop on Ebay,in fact i've never owned a laptop. I know...
i have just had to do a reset on my pc and now ive lost some things, such as the toolbar at the top with things like autofill, auto link, favourites and so on,please does anyone know how i can get...
I am suffering the MS hug at the moment. Every time i move the ''steel corset'' gets tighter. Has anyone found a way to ease it??? The numbness I can cope with - but this is like a chinese torture....
for a child not to go or refuse to go to school? If an individual is aware or has a suspicion of a child not going to school, do they by law have to report it?