What kitchen gadget has had the least usage in your home and in hindsight was a real waste of money or naff present? I have a pizza slicer that was used maybe once and a yoghurt maker still in its box...
i want to watch something online on abc 12 - thing is i don't know which of the three times zones this channel falls into. it's michigan predominantly i think, but i don't know if thats eastern or...
I am watching Jolly Boys Outing (Only Fools, UKTV Gold+1, now). Now I have been members of various lodges and socieities over the years but have never been on, what is colloquially known as, a "Jolly...
A guy calls a company and orders their 5-day, 10 lb. weight loss program. The next day, there's a knock on the door and there stands before him a voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old dressed in nothing...
A few weeks ago i had a really bad nightmare relating to a real life situation i was soon to be experiencing. That nightmare included one of my biggest phobias which i don't want to mention on here....
We have just decorated the whole of our house, its in minimalistic style, virtually all white with chrome accessories. The place looks great, but we would like a dog to finish it off. It must be all...
help! can anyone please give me a foolproof method for making yorkshire puddings,they just arent rising anymore, can i put baking powder in there as a safety net? using electric oven btw.
Bad language is not needed to make tv shows actors etc funny, why do they always get a round of applause as soon as they use the F word {and I don't mean funny] TV lately has been scraping the barrel...
just wondering how you chose your answer bank name because there are some really weird names . mine is dustypuss because when I was thinking of a name fore my self my Cat walk into the room and he is...
Mi nombre es knobbynonuts que los chillidos apesadumbrados yo significan el knobbynonut. Pero usted puede llamarme knobbynonut del sir si usted desea tan. Es con el m?s grande del placer ?se que...
I would argue that AB is primarily a 'written' opinion site (though called a question and answer site) What proportion of AB would you say is opinon based, or research based? (is research factual...
help with a debate on another thread. At least two people have received emails from someone who never sent them. The emails had the senders address on them, but weren't ever sent by those people!...