Were the first humans and their reproduction created the rest of life. How did people end up all over the world in different colours, with different languages. And why does God not provide for...
The question came to me whilst reading 'what would religionists like to ask athiests' and I am quite interested to hear your opinions. To begin with, there is obviously no concrete proof for or...
It would appear that there are a lot of religious people on AB who answer questions from us atheists/agnostics so it is only fair to return the compliment and give us a chance to answer your questions...
How can people from any religion state that there"HOLY" book is correct and that there religion is true... so to Christians, muslims will go to hell to Muslims, christians will go to hell...etc so...
I know that there have been numerous threads in this section recently regarding Muslims, Islam, Terrorism and the Veil etc. This is obviously a reflection of the heavy media coverage of these issues....
A close friend has just told me they have been living with HIV for a number of years, & only two others know of thier condition, not only do I need to convince them to tell their family, but I would...
What do they bring to our society , I dont mind the ones with the head scarfes , but this all over body thing is just not British. In the deep south of america , in the 1950's the KKK wore similar...
I have not been here long but get increasingly frustrated by the unhelpful and almost racist comments of some people on here. Why can't all the people in this country live in peace. To constantly pick...
Hi, I'm just beginning a job hunt and am trying to find a list of the UK's largest employers, possibly the 100 largest employers. Once I have this information I plan to send my cv and a covering...
whats all this YOUVE BEEN MURKED BUSINESS??? did anybody watch the rio ferdinand programme after the game the other night ?? he was stitching up england players and he comes accross as such a t1t....
Last night I was out with a mate and some pervy guy was dancing really close to us on and I kept moving away. I moved about 10 times to get away from him but he didn't seem to get it. He would come...
my daughters partner has had his application for compassionate leave to remain on grounds of his and her baby denied.he is told to leave for zimbabwe.what help is he able to get and is an application...
When I make love with my wife, penetration normally just lasts 3-5 minutes. Although this is not medically premature, I would love to make it 10-20mins. Any tips?