This is a completely rubbish question, but is it possible to keep a head alive when it's not on the body, if you hooked it up to the right things? Don't worry I'm not some crazy Professor...
I am well aware that a googolplex signifies a hugely large number but is their a term in mathematics to signify an infinitesimally small number........
I have an old (probably 19th century) willow pattern oval platter. Does anyone know how to date it and what makes a good or bad one? There are no marks underneath other than a tiny '14' impressed into...
When the cartoon mouse Speedy Gonzales is running along, he shouts something. It sounds like 'Ariba! Ariba! Underlay! Underlay! Heppa! Heppa!' What are the actual words and what do they mean?
I never studied Physics at school, as I opted for Biology and Chemistry instead, but I have felt that I should know more about Physics as well. Can anyone direct me to a good book that can explain...
There is a famous riddle which says. : ' A man is looking at a portrait and says 'Brothers and sisters have I none, but that man's father is my father's son': whose portrait is the man looking at?'...
We have a print from an old fashioned 50's chocolate box cover thats framed & on our wall with the above title. It depicts rich victorian children playing on the reck (belly) of an old boat on the...