Some years ago I had an operation to remove an acoustic neuroma and this has left the facial muscle under my eye weak. This is not a problem normally but I am a saxophone player and when I form my...
So through my life, I've always been told I was ugly (Mainly by people at school, trying to be harsh etc) but after awhile, you really begin to believe it.. So am I as ugly as I think? This is not an...
In real life are you a grouch ? Do you put on a happy face when you come on sites like this?
Would you say things on here that you wouldn't say in the "real" world?...
I apologise if this is the wrong section. I wasn't sure if it was more suited to 'Family' or 'Travel'. Has anyone ever been away for Christmas (abroad), with young children? If so, would you do it...
when you have no desire to see them again but dont want to cause offence! Someone has recently got in touch with me and its been over 10yrs since we were 'friends'. I am really busy anyway through the...
I want to make music and sell it online but i dont know which music software to use for my computer i have both Mac and a Windows 7 laptops i use them to edit music. But i wanna make music myself and...
Is it advisable to use factor 50 moisturiser to prevent wrinkles or would it be better to use a lower factor protection in order to allow the vitamin D and other sun benefits on to the facial skin?
I've had pain in my right arm pit for a few days. I'm pretty sure it's just muscular following the use of crutches over the weekend but how long should I leave it before I get it checked out if the...
what has he actually done? Ok so he built up "amstrad" but really - what has he done lately? Also "on offer is a 50/50 partnership" - is the winner gonna put 250000 in then? What...
I recently had a collision and am due to get a hire car on Monday for the duration when my car will be being repaired. They have asked that have both parts of my driving license (which is not a...