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Help please Sailor with the mate a great deal ?a?e?o? Many thanks...
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Last one and need help, thanks in advance babog 15 Fourth letter in chart - see it any differently? The reason? (9)...
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2d- made cash kremlin converted into revolutionary tools 6,3,6 hammer and ?i???? 13d- tiny changes in volume, a fine novel 6,4 ?a???y ???? 17d- extremes of diverse achievement - best or worst ??f???...
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16d Flying insects and flightless birds? I have -M-E-O-S...
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Ive just been looking at recent posts and I think you are all amazing at crosswords. I haven't been able to do any of them. I gave up even trying crosswords when i couldn't get more than 1 oe 2...
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Just one on this one ..... 2d programs transmitted by view data system or teletext (12) teles??t?a?e Many thanks, Chox.,...
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Really stuck with these. All the answers are connected to animals, real or imaginary including fish and birds.Thanks 25, All points N.S.E& W 8, Chimp or fast cat? 73,Stars' margin of victory 78, Hobby...
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I only use once a week for visitors. Looked in the Argos and the supermarkets but they are all black. Any ideas ?
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I seem to remember doing this crossword before but I can't remember all the answers. Can I get some help please? 1a Made a knight in the film industry (6) d-b-e- 5d Mated, but didn't get beaten (7)...
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3, A sport for Hansom boys (5) 9, These help whilst trotting (10) 19, The great beholder of cereal (5) 20,Movement of an object in a circular motion (8) 26, Just giving in (6) 29, No need to argue...
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He ices chair to remove bacteria [11] e??h?r??h?a Confused situation when I break rib in gloom [9] ???r????o...
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mikey4444 Aren't out towns and cities polluted enough ! Daft idea. I wonder if it was from the same Government Dept. that thought it was a good idea to use the...
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26)Apparently you should only do this to the left (8) 36)Punch the leader (4,5) 34)Large oil mixture can keep you afloat (4) 50)Felines fall in a heap (8)...
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8ac. As played by tremulous musicians (7) ....e.s 21ac. Free to let again (7) e...... 23ac. Law no longer applying to deceased landlord (4,6) .... ...t.r 13ac. Bits of machinery for eccentric people...
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FA view Rooney sought to change. Read all about it! _ A _ E / _ / _ _ _ / N _ W _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _...
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Q1 island abbreviation and copper within small amout q2 this french with genuine q3 famous person , wet soil, in soft , q4 left in chosen, then taxiand time hold boron 2 words thanks for help...
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Band shows cunning going round lake. 9 letters. G-I-l-c-a...
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All answers contain or are the name of an animal. Including fish & birds Really stumped now help gratefully received! PUGILISTIC POISSON (4,7,4) START GOLFING (7) THORNY ISSUE FOR No 20 (9,3,3,4)...
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A person in an art gallery stops and points to a painting and utters "brothers and sisters I have none, but that man's father is my father's son". What is the relationship between the figure in the...

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