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What are your views on banning smoking in Public areas (Beer gardens, on the street etc)
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What is the best that they will accept in Sharm? Euro, Sterling or Egyptian Pound?...
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My friend has just bought a second hand iPhone 5 but it is locked and she was told by one dealer it would cost £130 to unlock it! Is there a cheaper/easier option?...
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This thread is not about justifying sex offences. Do people think that the 'first time' thrill, getting kissed, your first alcoholic experience, your first orgasm, your first hit of snorted...
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has anyone got a recipe for a nice stilton sauce? the stuff my oh had dished up in a pub recently was tasteless, I think the stilton was thrown in from tower bridge, and most of it missed.
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Decided to clean out my nest box today. Bluetits raised a family of at least three. Sadly there were two unhatched eggs in the nest. Not quite sure what happened to these. Any ideas?
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I don't no any country in the world were you can walk in and get every thing free. having put absolutely nothing in. it want 's stopping immediately before we go bankrupt with them...
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I have a glut of swedes and need to thin them out. I know they will be perfectly ok in the ground until after the first frosts but the thinings are big enough to eat and are quite tender. Would it be...
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Have been scanning the comparison sites and have found prices of between £20 and £8 per month. Can anybody recommend a particular insurer with whom you have had good service etc etc. Chris...
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If an AB member is banned, can you usually still see their profile? Remembering some AB names from the past I thought you can.
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Booldawg A bit close to home as it was on an open Q&A site. We're lucky on here as the site is very well monitored. Should all sites enjoy the same...
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Dear all First, may I open by saying I am contacting my councillor(s)/MP with respect to this question, but I thought I would try here additionally. Any pointers/suggestions most appreciated. My...
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are they any good?...
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mikey4444 Does anyone else that think that this BNP-lite twit looks like Victor Meldrew ? Just heard him being interviewed by Naughty on the Today program. There is a...
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Has this sort of thing alwys happened or are our OAPs becoming more violent? Asda car park fights another here...
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I'm not happy today. I phoned my GP surgery this morning to get a repeat of the medication I've been on for a while (diazepam) and was told I'd "need to make an appointment as there was a note on the...
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The woman in the checkout in front of me had a trolley full of shopping. She appeared to be bulk buying. !0 of this 10 of that etc. The lad on the till said to here "Do you run a cafe". Her reply...
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Marmite that is
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I'm off on my holibobs today, to the exotic climes of Belfast & Dublin. Can you all pray that I don't get too much rain ;) See ya all anon...

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