Following on from 3T's post last night (in news) concerning the death of a vegan. I lost both my dad and brother in law as a direct consequence of smoking. And yet I know a 93 yr old who smokes like a...
I've never seen the point of it... Ive had several long term relationships but never once thought of getting married. On the other hand, I've had numerous friends, acquaintances and family members...
For arm injuries?
I know it used to be standard practice when I lived in the UK.
It doesn't seem to be the case in Spain! They have to buy them from chemists!...
Had a letter from Keoghs last week. Apparently they've been contacted by a car insurance company to represent me in a claim following a shunt in July 2021. There was no injuries, my car had no damage,...
I like the Liverpudlian accent , the Scottish accent but not the Glaswegian one, the southern Irish one but not keen on the very Brum one, like the West Country ooh rah ooh rah and the Bristolian one...
Our heroes arrived in a country where homosexuality is illegal with conviction bringing severe penalties for transgressors. Why disappoint fans and invite harsh punishment by openly displaying man on...
My friend has recently developed sciatica after doing some heavy lifting. He is only 35, and this is his first experience of pain! Have you had sciatica, what did you do to help it, and how long did...
Did a poo test and they have made an appointment to ring me next week, to discuss whether I need to go for a colonoscopy. While I will of course go if needed, can anyone tell me how bad it really is?...
this is a question no has asked, what happens when all hotels are full, all ex military bases are full, and more illegals keep arriving, whats going to happen then, or will the powers that be say...
A woman goes on holiday to Jamaica. Upon arriving, she meets a black man, and after a night of passionate love making she asks him, 'What is your name?' 'I can't tell you,' the man says. Every night...
I haven't put one up for some time, but I read this today. I think the reference is to the American civil war, but it made me think of Ukraine; RECONCILIATION. Word over all, beautiful as the sky!...
Boris’s latest wheeze trying to stop the covid inquiry obtaining his whatsapp messages is to claim that he has forgotten the password/code to his old iphone. Perhaps Boris is unaware that the FBI know...