I should have had it done a few weeks ago but it was cancelled the day before. Hopefully this won't happen today. Just a simple, straightforward day case little op under local anaesthetic to lift my...
Watching the news tonight I just started wondering. Do strikers get paid or can their families claim benefits? Life and budgeting at the moment is hard and losing money through strikes must make...
Well may I ask what you expected to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House perhaps? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically across the plain......
Happy birthday my love. I know you don't like these and I'm not in the mood for posting either but have to get your special day on the record (nothing else going on today is there?). Wishing you the...
Does anyone ponder why so many British passport holding Sudanese are in Sudan? One chap on the front page of today's Telegraph is weeping because he had left his wife & son there when he boarded the...
Perlease, I keep hearing "record breaking temperatures..." etc yada yada...in kin Spain! For EFF S! Who cares this is UK and it's still pretty kin freezing! Why are the news channels reporting on...
https://news.sky.com/story/how-the-london-marathon-is-seeking-to-change-the-face-of-running-by-attracting-more-diverse-participation-12863815 Maybe black people don't want to take part, and all of the...
sentenced to five years. Good
Will it deter others?...
Your thoughts?
(This report is a bit outdated)...
https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/apr/19/abandon-ship-does-this-symbol-of-slavery-shame-manchester-and-its-football-clubs although probably not visibly racist, are the badges of the big...
Just curious as to how much bread you eat. These days i eat very little but even as a child I'd have at least two slices of toast for breakfast, usually with dripping in the winter, take sandwiches to...
Thousands of coach and car passengers endured a miserable Wait . Many of them all through the night for their much awaited Easter Holiday Stormy weather and the French were blamed by the UK Government...