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If you could be an animal for a day what would you be? I'd be a cat cos all they do is eat and sleep, then go out and see their friends at night time to come home in the morning for some brekkie and a...
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I'm 21 and female, and am going on hoilday to Ibiza next week, can anyone recommend a good book? To give you some sort of clue I liked Geisha, Lovely Bones, Lenny McLean's autobiography, Andy McNab,...
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can a debt collections company trace me to another country
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Oor Wullie
Does the father of the bride make a speech at the wedding? My daughter gets married next year and the thought of giving a speech terrifies me. I mean really scares me.
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Ian King
If it was possible to drill a hole say 100 meters in diameter through the dead centre of the Earth and I was to jump in, what would happen? What would happen if I came through the other side? Ignore...
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I am looking for a very sugary sweet rose wine.. any suggestions?
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Why do people ask what is the song in a film when they could just look at the credits at the end?
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whats the best lesbien porn movie
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Im 15 and met this boy through my boy mate who fancies me and first of all he said he thought my best friend was really pretty which made me sad because I liked him although he has a girlfriend....
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darth vader
ok a bit facetious cos i know there are many questions that will fill this "new" area but i am a tad miffed as i requested this from Herr AB Editor 6 months ago and basically was told to go naff off...
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My mortgage is up for renewal (as my previously fixed tie-in period is up in November). I have searched through internet for best deal and have found one fixed for 10 years @ 5.69% which seems good...
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Go on, own up, you do sometimes don't you? What's your favourite but probably less than healthy snack? (Mine has to be American style hot dog sausages in a white roll & smothered with tomato ketchup!...
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I really like this boy. but he is with someone. what do I do?
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Is it true you have to bleach you hair before getting pink in it? Cause the box I got said the darker your hair the better it looks. Does anyone know? If so please answer, and if you know any of the...
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If we aren't allowed to pray in school, then what gives them the right to teach evolution, which is just a belief?
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Come on girls let's not be left out!
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I'm interested in getting hub gears for my bike, which currently has derralieur (sp?). However, the hub has only 7 gears, as opposed to the derralieur 18 - but then, I've never really thought a bike...
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A friend of mine recently rolled into the back of someone elses car whilst driving her boyfriends car. She was not insured to drive this car. Both parties inspected the damge and indeed the Tunnel...
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My hubby had an accident on push bike a month ago and sustained (amongst other things) a deep gouge down the front of his shin. He went to the doctor today after a lot of badgering by me as the wound...
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Has anyone travelled to Thailand (Ko Samui or surronding areas even Bangkok) during August? I want to travel for the whole month but am put off by "the thunderstorm season" approaching in October. Can...

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