Or do they like the power they exude??? Maybe they feel their masculinity is threatened by being seen driving a small car!!! Answers on a postcard to Logic!!!
I am in the middle of posting my reply to Logic and kaboom!!!! They pulled the thread just like that, wow it is a horrible experience, I thought I'd blown up the computer here at work!!!!!! Phew!
Winston the Jamaican is on 'Who wants to be a Millionaire' and has reached the ?1 million question. Chris Tarrant says, 'Right Winston, this is for ?1million, and remember, you still have two...
I have just heard that Kevin Keegan the football manager for Newcastle, has just walked out on them, like he did before!!! Any clubs thinking of taking him on, should have a serious rethink!! He is...
It fills up all of the lobe and some are even bigger. I saw a guy and his lobes were massive from this ear thing he was wearing. It looked horrible. How do they do it, to get the hole that big??
As I cannot be bothered with all the posts on that thread. I hope you have a nice time tonight Karm, just be yourself and go with the flow. The age gap doesn't matter, it is whether you gel with...
I was reading in the paper that the RAF is so short of men, that they are going to recruit men from Jamaica. That is how my Dad came here. What do you all thnk of this?? Obviously, they will be...
Did anyone see the 100m race!! An all black line up, one of the first ever seen!!! It was a great race, won of course by a black man!!! Where are all the white runners??!!!!! :-)
I have just been informed by my boss that I will be getting a new wide screen to do my work on. As it is I sit hunched up with shoulder pads so he cannot see my screen anyway, (Boss sits behind me)...
Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they sometimes...