I have a physics exam tomorrow and I would like this to be cleared up. Question: UVA (315-400nm) can cause premature wrinkling of the skin whil UVB(280-315nm) gives a long lasting tan but can cause...
36d Bond is inadequate at 0.9266kph (4,1,4) 35a Chaos, a fruit of change (5,6) 22a Old time vessel for a politician (old time) (7) Any help appreciated. Thanx
hello out there tonight!!! can anyone help me on this little proplem i seem to have!!! short story............when i eat any kind of fish.........for some reason i seem to smell of fish down below the...
i have recently become smitten with a certain someone on ab........and am thinking of popping the question.....its a big step marriage...but i think im ready.....thing is i' v never actually talked to...
I'm led to believe that drinking one's own urine is recommended to increase vitality, prolong youth and generally enhance one's appearance. I have been doing this faithfully for a full 7 days and as...
Its Village Quiz time again! All the clues below are places in the British Isles. I've got answers for some of them, but can't find the place on a map, so feel free to post any answers. Number of...
What is the motto inscribed on the arch at Prufrock Preparatory School? What does a well-read person call salmon marinated for several days in a mixture of spices? What was the only book found under...
does anybody know what's happened to one across?. It was running very slow on thursday, ok yesterday and today says page cannot be found. Any ideas fergol
grateful for help. 1d cheat holding man's wax stick.6 ??a??? 20a soak giving us a treat unexpectedly 8 12a artist from Bury following Father 7 16d Quality eulogy produced after a time 9 8d...
Not specifically for this topic but it applies to all. Please make your posts readable by using correct grammar. Remember, full stops break up sentences and make their meaning obvious. Apostrophes are...