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Gerbil Girl

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how nice is this website evrybodys really friendly and talking to eachother sensible its really brightened my day up today thankyou.
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Gerbil Girl
Has anyone else just watched Gavin Henson on Jonathan Ross and realised he really is just a thick knob with no sense of humour?
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One of my work colleagues came into the office this morning and shortly after arriving complained they'd just found knicker snot on their trousers. I don't want to appear stupid or naieve, can anyone...
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is there something herbal that you can take to stop cold sores appearing or occuring less often, my 3 year old gets them on his cheek ,and has had 4 in 2 years?
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Gerbil Girl
Why is it that only fat women wear leggings?
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Gerbil Girl
Does anyone know what the song is that's playing on the advert that's currently showing on BBC advertising Zane Lowe's show on Radio 1? I'm desperate to download it but don't know what it's called!
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A question for you beauty experts out there, gals or guys for that matter. I need to buy a new mascara and want one that's reasonably water or smudge proof at the very least, although I know these...
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Gerbil Girl
I've recently been engaging in some txt flirting with a guy I met on a recent night out. I have since found out that he his married. What do I do, he now wants to meet up again, and whilst sooooooo...
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Have any ABers tried the Scentuelle patch for increasing female libido ? Wanted an unbiased opinion before forking out ?20. Thanx
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Where would you suggest going in Thailand for a young couple, during March??
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hi, im what is known as an apple shaped body, recently i have been on a diet and exercising at the gym, the problem i have is my legs and bottom are quite slim anyway i carry the weight round my tum...
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Can anyone please tell me what the Coldplay song is called that begins with the words, You've got wires coming out of your skin? Many many thanks for your help
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Fish Kid
Most people must be aware of the furore surrounding the cartoons that offended Muslims, and what many see as over-reaction by our Islamic breathren. What, I was thinking to myself, would happen if...

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