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Funniest sight in our garden today. Bird table is situated in the middle of lawn and a visiting rat has just discovered that if he sits underneath it, he can pick up all the food which is scattered...
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does the septic tank have to be in the front or rear of the house?
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Hi, We have elm trees in the lane at the bottom of our garden. Every year at this time the little seed cases shower down. Can anyone explain why this year there seems to be so many more than usual?
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Hi, i'm really worried about my Cat she is 14years old, lately she has become very quiet and fussy nagging for food then leaving it etc. she has lost a lot of weight and has been gipping a lot we...
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With the knife amnesty going on at mo,my sons school has informed us that after the hols the class must take in a SHARP KNIFE for cooking,a class of 14 year olds,carried around all day,is it just me...
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I have mailed the ab ed asking her to edit me out of AB. No,Im not doing this to gain anyone's sympathy which btw I did'nt want from the start. I wanted and recieved empathy. After reading all of your...
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My cousin has just had a baby - happy and healthy in every way! She's bottle feeding, as the baby rejected her breast, and her midwife has told her not to give the baby any water just her usual feed...
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If the female is a mare and the male is a stallion the animal is a horse, HOWEVER, if the femail is a cow and the male is a bull whath then is the animal?
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is it immature to be an animal lover?
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What's this then? What are you crazy people talking about? I'm so confused :-( :Ace:
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Ed, there isnt much wrong with the AB. given the power of making one change, it would be to allow us a colour change for out white background. allow us the oportunity to use the same colour`s we can...
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I feel so lucky,I have been sitting in the garden earlier watching a sparrow hawk,swooping down what a sight,have you any birds of prey near you? we have the above plus barn owls,buzzards and all...
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My eldest son (he is nearly 6) came home from school yesterday and said that he hade been made to eat three bites of banana. He hates bananas and we do not make him eat anything that he does not want....
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I have a daughter of 16 nearly 17 and going through her GCSEs . However her behaviour has become increasingly intolerant . She fails to do any revising despite carrot and stick employed by myself and...
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i am sick of being begged for my money by rich celebs. robbie william said on an ad recently that if we all gave ?5 to this charity they'd have ?2million (don't know how he got that figure!) but i say...
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Not really sure where to put this but my sons form at school has cooking after the holidays,they have to take in the ingredients and a SHARP KNIFE which they have to carry with them all day until...
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We keep thinking that there are buzzards flying near when we are in our garden, as we can hear the cat-like mewing but however close the sound seems to be we can never see the birds.I realise they...
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I had a nasty fall last night and went straight to casualty because I literally couldn't walk or bear weight. Although my ankle has blown up like a balloon and is very sore it's actually the bone that...
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yesterday i was out shopping and a really cute little girl, thoroughly enjoying an ice cream, walked past me, i smiled cos she had it all over her face and she looked up at me and beamed at me, her...
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Anybody else had a problem getting the site to work properly? get another shilling in that metre Mrs Ed !!

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