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My car tax expires on the 31 May 2006 i have taxed my car on monday night over the phone however my new disc has not arrived yet. Do i have to wait for my new tax disc to arrive before i can drive my...
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Twice in the last couple of days I've come home from work and found a dead mole at my front door deposited by our cat. Last night when i returned home the place looked like an animal battleground,...
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we have sun at last!!! and it's meant to get better could reach highs of 22oC by sunday fantastic!!!! anyone else got good weather? where are you all? i'm in somerset xXx
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aka pixi
I have stopped eating chocolate. Yes I have!! Im not fibbing. Since Sunday I have only had 4 or 5 little squares of chocolate and its killing me. No matter what I am doing all I can think of is...
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I woke up today and one of my nipples is really, really,really dark purple. Its not sore but is somewhat 'erect', however the other one is totally normal. Any ideas why?
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Now that the footy fans have the World Cup Section - how about a Primark section please???
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My little boy is 16 months old and is becoming more and more angry and aggresive. Everything he gets hold of he throws at me, he is always hitting me.. more out of excitement, but it still hurts. He...
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We've had a family of blue tits feeding from our food station on the third floor. They came 3 or 4 times a day. Suddenly sparrows and a thrush appeared and the blue tits have vanished. Do they...
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How are you getting on dear? I just realised (don't know why I didn't make the connection sooner) that your beloved George was the kitty I read all those lovely hilarious stories about. I have already...
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I'm not sure this is the right place but, I have just gone outside, and my neighbour is putting up a fence along his boundary, without even mentioning it to us. The problem with this is, we are in an...
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Is it time for him to go - how much longer can he carry this charade off ??
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What is happening to everyone, there is so much violent crime in the UK and the trend seams to be going in the wrong way, does anyone think its time to reintroduce capital AND corpral punishment?
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Yes I know I keep harping on about a new section called A & C but there are loads of us out there that would like it. Surely its warrants its own section if you are giving a new one to the World...
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ABE what has prompted the introduction of a section devoted to one particular event? The last time I looked football was a sport so why is it not confined to that topic? There are hundreds of...
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Is this program repeated at all in the week? I missed Dave Gilmour!
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and am i the only one that thinks its just a game ... and thus not worth so much attention and emotion
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Any chance of a Snooker category please Ed? No popcorn or mobile phones allowed tho'!
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Have you all clocked the NEW section?
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My wife is now seemingly suffering with this, any advice on how to deal with it would be of help, its with all the nursing she has had to do
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who is the worst presenter on tv my vote goes for the truly dredfull natasha kaplinsky or whatever her name is stuck up cow or what

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