With the pending increase of £1 a month, craftily covered up by taking away the £1 discount for ebilling, is Virgin Media still the best and cheapest broadband/telephone service available?
As I am now working only 3 days per week I am using my car a lot less now. For 2 days of the week I do a 60 mile journey each day (there and back to work), but for the rest I use my car for very short...
my daughter is about to start her photography A Level course. during her GCSE days (and nights!) she printed loads of photos. the cartridges didn't last very long and were expensive, and the quality...
I have an ipad with 3G service. Gave service provider 02 a 1 month trial and they under performed. So next gave vodafone a chance. Just got my first bill , that should have been £10 inc VAT for...
Apparently they are much hated according to News 24 this morning. Can't think why I think they are a giant leap for mankind myself. No longer do I have to wait in line behind slow people doing...
I have an aquarium and when I clean it out I use a 25lts plastic jerry can. It's gone mouldy and green at the bottom, was just wondering if I could use Milton to soak it, or will it be too strong and...
my son suffers from eczema. he is 2 yrs old. i currently use Fairy washing powder and liquid tabs. Are there any other washing powders that don't irritate the skin?
I've got the radio on and a Southerner has just pronounced Yorkshire as "York-sheer".
You say "shire horse" not "sheer horse", so why change it?
Made me laugh...... Do you suspect someone of being a closet ginger? Perhaps you thought you saw some ginger roots, but aren't so sure. Maybe you've caught them tapping their feet to the raunchy sound...
me on the best internet provider. i am currently paying T mobile Dongle £15 per month, and i think this is expensive. My contract is about to run out this month, hence, want to arrange another...
I've just been to a local well known supermarket and I it REALLY annoys me when people leave their trolleys just left in the middle of the aisle or an an angle so others can't get past. Also, when...
Hi. Can anyone tell me about an outfit called Autoaid Breakdown Recovery?. According to their bumf you are covered for most things that other outfits charge extra for such as getting you back home or...
Just returned from a trip to Oxford visiting a relative, had been there about 10 years ago and noticed the difference on this trip, around the Universities beautiful historic buildings and great sites...
I am scrapping an old M Reg Escort. It has about half a tank of petrol in it and I bought a syphon kit for £2. I tried to empty it today with no success. The tube didn't come out of the tank...