This started a few days ago ...... the usual thing - an icon appeared in the bottom right hand corner, informing me that new updates were available, so I downloaded them and installed them. The next...
Following on from a recent thread on horoscopes: .... I thought it would be interesting to have a poll, to see just how many people on...
Russell Grant came on "This Morning" on ITV earlier and started waffling on about how Saturn's presence was influencing this and that ... blah, blah, blah. What a load of cr@p. Why do people believe...
....... Ok, so I grabbed a yoghurt out of the fridge yesterday, then noticed it was a "bit" out of date - best before 2nd July 2013 ..... only just over 2 months out of date !!!! ........ well it...
.... well ..... we've got 2 Yorkies and I nipped outside earlier, for 10 minutes or so, to get something from my garage ..... when I came back in, one of them had messed in the conservatory. I knew...
I remember a while ago, someone telling me that the depth of the foundations of Blackpool Tower, are twice as deep as the height of the tower above the ground ..... but I really can't see that .........
Hi Abers. I'm looking for a website that will help improve my general knowledge, as they've started doing a quiz down at my local on Thurs nights. In particular, I'd like to brush up on my history, as...
I opened the middle doors earlier, that lead into the conservatory - it was like opening an oven door. A quick look at the digital thermonter, that records max and min temperatures, revealed this:...
Well ..... the bathroom sink has been taking longer and longer to empty, so today I'm on a mission to unblock it. I've tried a coat hanger bent with a hook on the end and I've also tried one of them...
Only when I'm on this website, I'm getting the following message: "Do you want to open or save smart_tag.js from" It's only started today and it's only happening on here. I press...
..... currently on BBC1, Saturday Kitchen Live.
What the 'eck is that dress that she's wearing.
What do you lot think ??
Me and my missus think it's horrendous ..........
Just watched Panic Room on Film4 (seen it before but it was aaaaages ago, so I thought I'd watch it again), but something's bugging me: How come the police turned up at the end ?? When the police...
A woman goes into a pet shop looking for a parrot. The assistant shows her a beautiful African Grey parrot. "What about this one, Mister? A beautiful bird, and it's an absolute steal at only £20."...
..... okay, get your minds out of the gutter .... I'm on about how many questions you ask and how many answers you give, on here !!!! I've noticed some people (no names mentioned) seem to post a never...
Years ago I was an extra in "Prime Suspect - Scent of Darkness". I've just switched channels and it's on ITV3 now. I don't know if my scene has been on yet (all 3 - 4 seconds of it !!) ........ I was...
Hi all , just received a message on my phone, from one of my contacts, through Whatsapp: LMessage from Jim Balsamic (CEO of Whatsapp) we have had an over usage of user names on whatsapp messenger. We...
In a nut shell: We've got new neighbours and usually their child wakes us up around 2 - 3am crying (our walls are wafer thin). However, this morning, we had a "better" wake up call ....... the...
How do I cancel an Ebay bid ?????????? .......... I made an offer for a mickey mouse outfit .............. .......... and now I'm about 6 minutes away from owning Liverpool football club !!!!...