Hi, just wanted to ask if my mum needed to go into a home, would her own property be taken from her to fund the home? If her property was to be changed over into her daughter's name would this... ...
I saw a used car I liked on a car dealership website (proper car dealer). I went to look at it in the showroom today (well, it was in the forecourt). I asked to sit in it etc, but he came out with... ...
If you have a spare Β£10,000, you might like to purchase this. https://www.scottishfield.co.uk/food-and-drink-2/worlds-oldest-whisky-discovered-in-the-cellar-of-a-scottish-castle/ ...
Morning AnsweBankers We have a private road at the rear of our house which backs onto a school. For a few years now we have been tormented with trees that completely block our view. We feel like we... ...
After selecting an item to buy, I can select Buy It Now or Add to Basket but when I do so on any of them nothing happens. I am using Windows XP Thanks Jaimsieboy
Cancel it all now and cut our losses? Carry on to Birmingham only? Carry on to Manchester? Whatever we do its been a disgusting waste of money on a huge white elephant. Should have been cancelled... ...
Hi there I have been told by a couple of friends on Facebook that they have received friends requests from me I have definitely not sent them. So it's looking likely I've been hacked. Is this a... ...
Been told a fence panel & post (maybe 2 posts, it's not clear) at a rented property need replacing, possibly repairing (not sure the latter's a good idea). The letting agent's got a quote of -... ...
I only own weights that are 1-5 lb and things like a jump rope and some bands. How can I work on losing weight and gaining defintion with the equitment I have here at home? There is no restricton... ...
adopted a cat from the humane society a couple of months ago. The humane society also spayed her about 7 days ago. She's been wearing a cone ever since. I took her into the humane society a couple... ...
Every day sometimes twice a day , I get emails some are quite threatening like 'Everyghing you have like phone ,internet will be affected, you'll lose everything' I know it's Spam and I treat it... ...