Any idea whats causing this or an experience of something similar!?
One side only (L)
Not painful as such but uncomfortable to lie on - pain points are flank, inner thigh and back of thigh....
My wife uses this She says the price has more than doubled recently and she simply refuses...
I realise these are dumb questions but could anyone help dumb it RIGHT down for me? Both persons have a full time job which wages are obviously taxed on. However I also have a joint business which we...
Has anyone managed to move on from a cheating spouse? Ive recently been breaved within the past month (very close) and then found out my partner has had sex once with someonelse.......... in our home....
If you were to be introduced to the Royals, how would you feel about bowing (if you're a bloke) or curtseying (if you're a lass) to them? I wouldn't mind too much if it was The Queen as I feel she's...
Hello i have the option of buying an apple watch! Should i buy series 3? At the moment i believe only ee offer the cellular sim- id possibly like the option to use cellular In the future but i am...
I would love to do my family tree... or have someone do it!
Where do you start?
I would also love to try one of the DNA tests that tell you your heritage has anyone tried this? X...
Hi... i havent had a period for 3 months! i had a smear test and my os was open & i was clearly ovulating, yet no bleed! I get all my usual symptoms of a period & have had negative tests. Bloods taken...