I own a 2 year old hans macaw and we was told by the breader the it was a male, but we just found out that its a female because she has just laid an egg, but has not be in contact with any other...
My wife of 20 years has M/S, bad. I work 40 hours a week and look after all the house chores, the kids and her. The M/S has changed her both mentally and phisically and although i could and would...
My cat (13 yrs old) keeps sneezing, but the weird thing about it is that it only occurs once every 24 hrs mainly at around 3am in the morning, it has been doing this since around Nov/Dec 2007 and it's...
Did your first post contain the immortal line "Hi, Im new here"? Mine didnt, mine was a question, I was just wondering if trolls who pretend they are new use that line or genuine newbies as well?
Many years ago when I still lived at home, me and my brother whilst our parents were away, took the entire contents of the living room out & set it all up under a kind of large public walkway...
A new generation of nuclear power stations is expected to get the formal go-ahead from the government later. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7179579 .stm Can we do without them? Is there an...
I'm trying to loose a bit of weight and have started having the ainsley harriot cous cous with a bit of salad for lunch, is the cous cous fattening because it is a carbohydrate? Any answers much...
I am fairly new to AnswerBank - I discovered it by accident. Ive only been on here a few months. I often read all recent and past posts to see if I can answer questions or give advice in any way. From...
I moved to a new area 8 months ago and where I used to live the council tax system was very well organised and structured. Where I live now you just get a letter at the beginning of the financial year...
im going to invite my friend who is a w@nka to my house and give him dog food instead of patre as he irritates me with his stupiness, arrogance and immaturity. what shall i make him to drink?
I live with my boyfriend. He is a pot head, and when he doesnt have weed, he gets very very testy and needs his space, when i ask him whats wrong, he blows up on me and we start fighting. He calls me...
im at work and i keep getting emails saying i have an answerbank answer
i will get the sack if this is found , i have emailed ed to no avail - how i switch this off please ?????????????