Well, this was somewhat easier than last week's Inquisitor. Only thing I'm struggling with is the álternative' title. I have a letter missing from the last word of the charity's name so I guess that...
Hi all Anyone tackling this ? What a ??? of a puzzle ! I have just over half the answers and have worked out that there must be two 13-letter solutions forming a central cross in the grid. I'm...
Been away for a few weeks so just caught up with this month's GG and feeling a bit rusty. I've a full grid but can't see the 'numerical adjustment' - is it a Roman numeral to change ? - or the...
I've been off for a few weeks so this is first Inquisitor for a while so finding the end-game a bit of a struggle. I have the 36-letter observation and I think I know the 3-word phrase - something...
Have just started on this this morning and spent a couple of hours on it. I have around a third of the solutions but struggling with the grid. Guess it should become clearer once I have the majority...
Anyone finished this ? I have and think it's an excellent puzzle but am bugged that the solution isn't accurate enough for my liking. Also, anyone noticed the letters of the finder's name in the grid...
I've finished this but assuming I'm not missing anything, I'm bugged that the "answer" isn't quite accurate. Also, is the name of the "finder" hidden in the grid or is that a coincidence?...
Anyone got the port at 17A ? The town I have in mind that follows the theme is quite a ways inland last time I went there. Maybe there's another one withe same name ? Or I've picked the wrong thematic...
I've got all the jumbled examples and X but am struggling with the grid completion. I have the instruction, I think, but can't see where to start- anybody completed this please?
Anybody drawn the six lines yet ? Not sure if this is right at all but I used the terms alluded to in the extra letters, highlighted these in the grid- one is offset, I think- to derive four of the...
Anybody drawn the six lines yet ? Not sure if this is right at all but I used the four terms alluded to in the extra letters, highlighted in the grid - think one is offset - with the diagonals of the...
I have the thematic work, literary characters and creators and have resolved most of the 10 clashing letters. Does anyone know where the "o", which I reckon is the 9th of the 10, go ?...
Entered this under an earlier thread instead of a new one. Almost finished this but just missing 5A: "Greenish pie, perhaps, dumped" -e-y-l-. Think this is the "and" to the clue's...