7a. Split atom in garden turned by worm (8) _E_A_ _ _ _ 9a. Start with the in crowd? Hardly (6) O_ _ _E_ 14a. Palette devised to capture Manet's first model (8) _ _M_ _ _T_
Has anyone else had troubles with the Search facility? I cannot believe that nobody else has asked a question about this crossword. I am stuck with two: From dying fire snatch book about writer...
Only got a few so far and about to go on train so could do with a starter. 23 hexed but healty, taking lead, covring length (10) 4. Delicate but lively character securing return of service (8)...
Totally stuck on 24d and 16a, to which there are no clues I have ?T?H?C?O and ?ONT? respectively I have the theme and the above belong to each of the 2 groups Anyone solved it yet? thanks
only 3 left. 15a Acceptance speech to shellfish-I'm not sure....(7) ?e???m? Could it be meseems, and if so, why shellfish? 13d Fruity food in piece of church soap, possibly (6,4) ????e?/ cake. If I...
8d Sting roping in Brown and , later, Cyclops to mount a hit. t???m?h. Answer must be triumph which is a hit. But how? Cyclops is the setter and so will be "I" though I thought that because of the...
Thanks cruciverbali for your earlier assistance. I've now got the author and his 6 word enquiry re. former precipitation, but this only amounts to 28 letters. I presume I'm still missing something as...
Have 'solved' the rest but these final ones are bugging me: 10 ac English river: English river(4) ?APE 42 ac can only(?) be REDS but I can't see the wordplay 20 dn can only(?) be GNAWED but again I...