Can anyone solve17 d in Monday April 7 Herculis? ''Lark-like bird with streaky plumage.'' I have E?P?T Many thanks in advance, but I am beginning to think crossword setters have made a mistake....
15 ac teachers job in a way to face disrruptive behaviuor (11) i?s???????? 12d said mocking attitude is rarely a chines custom (8) ???e?s? 30 ac a line taken by court protecting right of customers (8)...
14 d affected disdain, having pagers turned off at the start (4,6) S???,??a??s 25 ac one admitted to st johns island, dropping maiden speech (6) ??t?i? thanks
stuck in RH corner and one on left so grateful for any help. 9a- put a little back into task,having such a bone (8) c******e 6dn flood being over ,put shovel down (4) ***f 7dn fruit half-eaten by pet...
Has Prospect magazine acknowledged the error in their puzzle? the answers to last month's puzzle are printed with this month's .... 13a) is given as Goban SAor 10d) is given as ..... AnOnaceae the...
Active? Both Noel and I exercised (2, 3, 4) Racehorse establishment after con artist (9) Beads scattered around the chapel (8) Explorer, we hear, is to give a lecture (5)