A little help required please. 1dn) Poet has energy that shows growth (5)?e?r? is it Leare? 3dn) Distinguish the heartless students (4) ?e?l is it Tell ? 4dn) A number get to enjoy an object (5) ?i?i?...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-37673797 US election 2016: Trump says election 'rigged at polling places' He will blame everybody but himself for his current situation.....He is even...
After last night's results programme can there be anyone out there who believes the vote isn't being manipulated.I have no axe to grind over anyone who has been eliminated in the dance off but are we...
Just looked at the tv schedule for the coming week and noticed that Countdown has been moved to the earlier time of 2.10pm. This is because the awful DOND is back again and has got the 3.10 slot. I...
So on the 9 oclock news they call Trump a dickhed and all the luvvies giggle over it.
Is this an unbiased corporation ?
I didnt see anything against that horrible woman Clinton....
Hi it's Liz here. Busy marking the quiz that closes on 8th October. I have been sent an entry without a name or address. The only clue I have is that the envelope it came in is postmarked Manchester &...
As the shock waves settle on Mr Allardyce's activities, and the results, he, and several other media and football figures are talking about 'entrapment' by The Telegraph - as though he is somehow an...
reported in all media outlets today is john mcdonnell's speech to conference yesterday - with pledges including a complete ban on fracking, a £10 minimum wage, universal benefits, a "soak the rich"...
Are the BBC struggling that much for programmes that they have to keep showing the foul mouthed Brendan O'Carroll as this awful woman.It really isn't funny and the language only makes it less so,if...
I have no idea what this guy's claim to fame is but I do recognise the name.