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Saw Aled on 'Breakfast' this morning and he was speaking of a song where a boy soprano sings 'Walking In The Air' while he sings a lower part - different words - at the same time. Does anyone know of...
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I have applied to Southampton, Southampton Solent and Portsmouth Universities as a mature student and don't hold the same qualifications as an 18 year old school leaver. Basically I have 2 GCSE's,...
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ive just picked her up from childminders, her mum is working today, i have her most afternoons, anyway baby is sitting here beside me now screaming and flailing her feet, im trying to ignore her, she...
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It says on the bottle The name `Tonic Wine` does not imply health giving or medicinal properties`. What I want to know is, how can it be therefore a tonic, and moreover, is it a pleasant taste, and,...
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i know this might sound trivial , but why can't ab put the latest answers at the top of the page instead of the bottom, I'm fed up of scrolling down pages of answers to find the latest ones I usually...
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Wasn't that the most unconvincing and unrealistic crash and aftermath anyone's ever seen? The effects of the recession could clearly be seen by their special effects budget and what's with all the...
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I am considering getting the children (12 and 13) lap tops for Christmas. The usage is likely to be internet surfing and games, although the older one may need Word for homework. Can anyone recommend...
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Is it easy to do this? I have trouble doing the simplist of things.ha ha i have skype on my computer upstairs,but had to have help with that too. Do I just google skype and go from there? I want it on...
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Dropbox is software that syncs your files online and across your computers. Put your files into your Dropbox on one computer, and they'll be instantly available on any of your other computers that...
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every morning i wake up with a sore throat. last friday i was spitting up green stuff and could hardly speak. i went to the doctors and she gave me some antibiotics but said my chest was clear so i...
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i bought a couple cheap in tesco,s the other day and now have them frozen, ive never tasted lamb breast, any tips ? thanks
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My mum has dumped a gammon in my freezer which is taking up a lot of space. It`s vacuum packed and the use by date is 02 Jan 11. Does this actually need to be frozen or is it OK in the fridge?
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What do you think about this, I went slightly deaf overnight 12 months ago, specialist said fluid around eardrum, suggested having gromits fitted, don't fancy that. Saw article about Hopi candles,...
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Received this today "The New 2010 Limewire Alternative"
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curlyperm11 looobyloo - yep blonde bob but in ponytail - wearing fetching purple scrubs outfit - will be prancing around the wiating room pretending to look busy when leanne and ken get the good news...
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with the flat square slides?
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wants to know how long your rent is paid if you are in prison, i am on benefit at the moment and claiming housing benefit, thank you
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Can anyone tell me, please, if the saucepans which you have to use on induction hobs are heavy? As I am thinking of getting an induction hob and will require new saucepans which have to have a...
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personally I think its iffy but I thought I would ask some real techies my mate emailed me about a great deal on an ipad, personally I think it looks too good to be true price wise, I have been...

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