What is the story with taking liquids onto a plane? Is it that you are not allowed to take more than 100ml onto the plane or does it apply to check in only? For example, can you check in your hand...
I have some gold jewellery I want to sell, I won't be posting it to one of those sites you see on the tellie, I am thinking of putting it on ebay. Can i weigh the gold on ordinary kitchen weighing...
I've never been able to get my head around the 'click here' bit in forums. You know, when someone is writing something and they want to show you another site. Instead of just giving you the URL it 's...
My wife and I are going on holiday and we want to download some audio (e-books), to her new Ipod but all the sites tell you the narration time, i.e 14hrs 24mins but not how big the file is. Therefore...
Have been looking at your jewellery on ebay and wish I could afford to buy one of each! I will definitely be buying some for me, and as presents too, just can't decide which at the moment. Hope you do...
My partners son and his partner of seven years recently parted company, they have agreed a rota for seeing their daughter and although it is heavily laid in her favour they seem to have reached a...
Has anyone had this happen to them. You are in a deep sleep, suddenly you hear the phone ring which wakes you up but its not ringing, its in your head. Or you hear someone you know (like your partner)...
I was one step away from booking this hotel last night for my Son - but went with another one instead....
My son has just purchased a new Base unit and wishes to be sure he won`t leave anything in the hard drive that will be of any use to anyone else should they get hold of it at the local dump. TIA
The more opinions, the better..................debate on zzxxee's fav' thread at the moment.......this should be used a pre-cursor for tommorrow's voting frenzy ( ? ), if there is one . ta very muchly...
If so, which ones? I've googled and apparently we do film some in the Supreme Court, do we televise any criminal cases? 'Consider whether the twin expectation of justice being done and being seen to...
Afternoon All, I have recently visited Corby (for mundane reasons not worth boring you with) and I noticed the strong scottish-ish accent amonst the people there. On further enquiry I have found that...
Is there any part of my body that would be acceptable, like my eyes for instance as I have been on Warfarin since 1973? I feel I will be wasted when my time is up.