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anyone pleasse help, i was playing cod 4 today and got in a temper. i through my controller at my laptop and the screen went wierd. it hasnet made a crack i dont think but the screen goes all...
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Has anyone here tried the Dukan diet plan and if so did it work? I'm thinking of giving it a go,it seems a lot easier than the Atkins to stick to.
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now cable has changed the coding to a stronger code is there a way to get channels back.
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I have been unable to work due to this ongoing leg problem of mine for many months now. Money is getting tighter and tighter since only on ESA of £65 per week. I have a credit card with PPI, and...
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Is my monthly allowance per calender month or from the date that I started using it? I dont want to use it all up when it has to last me another 3 weeks,or can I just go mad with it this week and get...
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can you book a hotel room by the hour in this country? i know you see it in the movies in places like new york, but can it be done in the Uk?
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was very good tonight!
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........but as soon as he gets into the bl**dy car, he wants to stick his head through the open window?
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With corn it`s a low rent
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Over here in Belgium they are lvoting today on whether or not to ban the burka. The French have also indicated they are keen too. Fines of 110 for first time and Jail for subsequent offences. Given...
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When it comes to insurance claims we can all find dealing with our insurance companies a pain - especially when the accident wasn't even our fault. With this in mind, have you, or would you, ever "exaggerate" a motor insurance claim?

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I am going to try a lose some weight with a fruit mainly diet, And my question is "Do bananas make you fart"
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I've got a bat on the wall down by the washing line.... He's very near ground level and I'd really like him to move from there. Should I poke him with a broomstick and get him to fly away? Will he...
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I am just curious to know what this is. As there are about 20 different running processes running on my machine, its about time i discoverd what a running process is......
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I've been told that if you want to grow scallions you plant shallots in the ground. Is this the case?
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i am able to connect to a wireless connection for free, its labled as "scrap" and is not password protected, is it ilegal to use this and what damage can be done to my pc?...
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Enjoy. Spare Ed...
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on tonights corrie, john stapes boss(?) came round to john and fizz's house, when john said no he couldnt go to the pub for a drink, the boss jokingly said ' i know your secret.... youre barrred!''......

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