afternoon fellow quizzers could i pick your brains again on food for thought quiz.(food related answers is a place or christian name) still left with; no19 p.c.(10.4) no21 w.o.(10.7) no36 c.s.(9.5)...
At the risk of being shouted at I would like some clues for the following please : 9. Is it hiatal or something ? 18. 20. 24. Is it joint ? 34. 39.I can only think of Is My Two Front Teeth but that...
Hi, I have a list of 70 cyptic phrases all which are place names in the North East. Only 12 still to get, can anyone help? 1. Meadow for form of punishment. 2. Number of pebbles 3. Pale country 4. Is...
Here we are..the results of the Second Dragonfly Quiz?(Double Deckers.) The sheets were marked and numbered?and the prizes were awarded in each category by randomly drawn numbers picked by Crofter and...
I'm stuck on a last few - hope you can help with clues please - preferably no answers.... 1) Usually thrown at weddings 6) Much too cold to ring 10) A Military Instrument maybe 13) One of several...
One last chance to see if anyone can help me, it is for village hall funds.All locations in DEVON and CORNWALL. 15)a boy bsand with life for a lake (8) 22) Was not backward (5) 32)Food brought back to...
All answers are locations in Devon and Cornwall A Boy band with a life for a lake (8) Stretch Beneath (8)- Flexbury? Food Brought back to the edge of the City(10) Left rut (10)
25)Found between Shad and Shah 26) Had a happy hour in '86 44) Blame C.albicans 58) Leonard tried to get one from Pepsi 62)A killing joke died in October 2007 95) She had no regrets 100) Bar code in...
Here is just a quick reminder To those with the Double Decker That brilliant Quiz That has been the biz Is due back soon to the marker!! Hi're going to miss my little odes aren't you? Oh...
Please could someone give me a clue,the answer is somewhere found in London: Chilly Journey in the Winter ( 4,3,3) Just a hint please. Thanks in advance.
All places in Devon or Cornwall Emporor once upon a time (11) HOMELY PIG ROCKS TEO (10,7) Anagram tried always. Was not backward (5) Stretch beneath (8) Anyway, villagers always help. (3,7)